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Upload files & print books

You can read PDF and EPUB documents with Google Play Books. When you upload PDF and EPUB documents to Google Play Books, you can read them on all the devices you use Play Books on.

You can also print books (with some restrictions).

Upload PDF & EPUB files

  1. Open the Google Play Books app Play Books.
  2. Tap Menu Menu and then Settings and then Enable PDF uploading.
  3. Download a PDF or EPUB file on your device.
  4. Open your Downloads or My Files app.
  5. Find the file.
  6. Tap More More and then Open With and then Play Books or Upload to Play Books.

You can see files you’ve uploaded at Library and then Uploads.

Print Books

You can only print books using your computer.

最後更新:2017-05-23 17:57:15

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